Thursday, 30 November 2017

Animal Tesing

In the morning when you wash your hair, supply your make up, rub on moisturizer or whatever product you use, all you have to do is look at the back of your product and if it’s not ACF then imagine a pair of innocent eyes just wasted on that small product.

How unfair!  Those animals had a right to live, just like you and me. Could you really look into the eyes of a poor innocent animal trapped in a cage being tested on with products no one knows the results of? I mean with all the added chemicals they could lose all their fuir, suffer in pain, go blind or even just have a long painful deaf. But you know what’s the bad part if it causes them pain it means that the product works.
Could you really look into the eyes of that poor animal and say what's going on is ok? I think we both know the answer to that.

I believe that if we all stopped buying animal cruelty products then they would have no foundings to do the animal testing in the first place. All it takes is a quick glance
At the back of the product. That’s all it takes, you could save animals from testing in the future. Imagine if your beloved pet was was in one of those labs, being tested on. Or even you? Well think about how you would feel, because that's what it’s like for all those miserable animals in the labs. Risking their lives just so you can buy makeup or strawberry shampoo.

My point is that I think if we all stopped buying products tested on animals we save animals lives, you could make a difference. Its that simple.

After all this I know I have been a little tuff but this what it’s like for all those poor animals, so I hope i've convinced you. My main point after all of this is that just you can make a difference. Did you know that every year over 100 million animals are killed in the U.S. laboratories for biology lessons, medical training, drugs, food, cosmetics testing and even more. See how many life's just gone? Well you could change that. So all i'm saying is all those lives wasted on us, is it really worth it?